Caution Notice
“GENERAL PUBLIC are also hereby informed that “XLMYMIND” is our Trademark. Use of “XLMYMIND” by any person(s)/entities representing as their trademark and / or trade name, logo/device and copyright either in isolation or in conjunction with another mark / name, or use of deceptively similar mark / name or copyright, wrongfully projects an alleged association between their businesses, products and / or services and those of our Trademark. In the event of infringement of trademark and/or copyright of XLMYMIND, the infringing party shall be liable for all or any legal, civil and criminal liabilities available under the Trademarks Act 1999, Copyright Act 1957, Indian Penal Code 1860 and other laws of India, and in that event the infringing party shall be solely liable for all the costs (including the legal expenses) and consequences thereof.”